Follow Grubby on his Pro-Gaming Adventures: July 2009
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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Unfair changes in NGL Scoreboard

There are 24 players in NGL ONE. It's a round-robin system to determine the Top-8 that gets to go to the offline playoffs. So each player has to play 23 matches.

On July 29, HoT got too many penalty points and was disqualified. At this point, HoT had already played 21 out of 23 matches.

NGL resetted all of HoT's scores, giving everyone a 2-0 default win against him.

This is how the scoreboard was affected:

I don't think it's fair that people who lost to HoT get their loss converted into a win. The season is nearly over. It would be much more fair and logical to simply give the last 2 players a free-win over HoT. Just leave the other results alone. People worked hard for their wins against HoT in the whole season: that effort is now being punished.

When WinNers was disqualified, I already didn't think it was fair that everyone got 2-0, even if they lost to him. About 18 matches had been played, so we were about 80% of the way into the season.

Now that the same happened with HoT with already 21 matches being played, I think it's ridiculous. People who had no chance to qualify anymore suddenly have a chance. Other people who were 100% sure qualified already, suddenly are in danger. All through no doing of their own.

The net change for anyone who won against HoT is 0.
The net change for someone who lost to HoT is +2 points. Their loss (-1 point) gets converted into a win (+1 point).

The people who lost to HoT are being rewarded with points. Whereas the people who won HoT are being punished by going down in ranks.

I do not think that NGL's decision is fair. The season was nearly over and there was no need to reset everyone's score. HoT has played 21 matches, and all of HoT's opponents had put in time and effort to play their best in those games.

What do you guys think about this? What's most fair for the majority of the players? Please vote in the poll on what you think is the right decision for NGL on how to treat the score table. Hopefully NGL would change their mind if the majority of the community votes on the 2nd option.

Go here to vote:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Streaming concluded

Sorry to everyone, thought that chat was off. It probably was, until I had to restart cuz of disconnect... and it's ON on default.

As for the games, I'll leave them for on-demand viewing, so that you can watch them again.

In game 1, I play against gS.FM-Fischieee with only 1 hand, as HU vs ORC. My SteelSeries Ikari never made so many actions per minute, I think ^^ at the end of the game, my right hand felt really overworked.

In game 2, I play against "Running" from Russia on Ancient Isles. I picked a 70% handicap, playing as Undead against Human.

You can watch them now because I put it live at 20:08 so it will run for about 40 minutes, both matches in a row until 20:48.

You can also find it in the on-demand library at and then pressing "On demand" below the channel window. It's called "1 hand and 70% 29 July".

HF hopefully!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Livestream to celebrate eStars victory


Date: Wednesday, 29th of July, 2009

PST: 10:00
EST: 13:00
CEST: 19:00
Chinese time: 01:00 (+1 day)
Korean time: 02:00 (+1 day)

What: I'll be doing some streaming at 7 PM CEST (or your local equivalent) to celebrate my victory at the eStars King of the Game tournament.


Hope to see you there! :)


Friday, July 24, 2009

e-Stars 2009 - Article 1 - 23rd July

Read the first article of e-Stars (with pictures) from

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Read Cassandra's blog on!

Hey guys,

Besides reading Grubby's blogs, do read my blog too! :)

Cassandra talks about DeMusliM bootcamping with us, leaving for e-Stars, and RotterdaM's funny slip-up in GOMtv.

Have fun watching e-Stars! Check back on for pictures of e-Stars.

If you haven't seen the pictures from Blizzard European Regionals yet, here it is! Plenty of pictures here!


Pre eStars Blog

On NGL...
Season coming to an end, and my Top 8 rank is all but secured. I'm still pretty curious as to how the NGL ONE finals are going to be looking. As far as I know, no one really knows where it's going to be held, how the system is going to be, and which date it's going to be on. I kinda feel like such things should be announced when a league commences, not when it's drawing to a close. It was a good experience so far, with a LOT of games man! We've never played anything of this length before, so I hope it will have a beautiful finale.

On eStars...
I'll be flying on the 21st to Seoul, where we'll make our way to the hotel. Arriving on the 22nd is one day earlier than the default day, and I like to do that to accommodate a little to the time zone. The drawback of course is having one day less of practice at home, but I hope the improved adjustment to the environment is going to beneficially outweigh the reduced practice. In the past, I've tried to do the same - having a bit of rest - and I would say it's helped me.

Let me make you guys a bit excited about the tournament.
It's going to have a few different formats. I'm reserving the right to make any mistakes, but I feel like I got it pegged down quite well :P

24 July - Continental Cup
The tournament starts on the 24th of July. It's Seoul, South-Korea, so keep in mind the time zone difference (it's +7 hours to CEST, +13 hours to EST and +16 hours to PST).
First thing that's going to happen is the Continental Cup. This is where we're going to see East vs West in a combined might of WC3 + CS. That's HasuObs, Lucifron and me against Fly, Moon and Lyn.

We'll play two formats.
  1. First one is "Line-up" รก la WC3L. There's 3 maps, namely EI, SV and TM. We each seed 1 of our players per map, and play a Best-of-One. The team with 2 or more points, wins 1 point for their Continent.
  2. Second one is "Winner stays". There are 5 maps, all of which will be played in sequence. You seed a starting player against the other starting player, and the winner stays. First one to eliminate all the players from the other team, wins. In doing so, 1 point will be granted to the team's Continent.
The maps for "Winner stays" are SV -> TR -> TS -> TM -> EI.

Counter-Strike will likely maintain the same format, except they will do their dirty work with ugly guns while we use stylish axes.

In the event that both continents obtain 2 points, a tie-breaker will be played in Counter-Strike.

25 July - King of the Game
On the second day, the solo tournament will kick off. All 6 players will play in a Round Robin Best-of-One format. My maps and playing order is as follows:
  1. Grubby - Fly100% @ Turtle Rock
  2. Grubby - Lyn @ Twisted Meadows
  3. Grubby - Moon @ Terenas Stand
  4. Grubby - HasuObs @ Secret Valley
  5. Grubby - LucifroN @ Echo Isles
3 points will be granted to the winner of a match, and 0 to the loser. In case of equal points between two players, a rematch will always be played between them.

The same map pool will also be used for Stage II, which is played on the 3rd and last day of the eStars tournament.

26 July - King of the Game
The top 4 from the Round Robin will place themselves for the Semi Finals. The first ranked dude will play the fourth ranked dude.

1 vs 4
2 vs 3

It's single Elimination Best-of-Three, so there'll be a finals and a 3rd place decider.

Of course, there'll also be the Heritage Starcraft Tournament, so there's plenty to watch for everyone. I hope the coverage'll be good.


And on the 27th, it'll be travel day again as we fly back home.

That's all for now, I've finished my practice, wrote my blog now, just gotta get packed, get some sleep, bring all I need to bring and it'll be showtime once again! I'm so excited, I can hardly wait :D

Monday, July 13, 2009

Satisfied feeling; yet new challenges are coming

Hi everyone,

Extremely busy schedule as of late, and having to squeeze in some time with family and friends (recently doing some catching up with a childhood friend of mine, had lost touch some) before more torrential busy periods such as eStars and BlizzCon. Family issues and busy schedule are the main reasons I can't be playing the Race Wars right now, which is unfortunate. Nonetheless I hope the best team can win!

Thanks for continuing to visit here despite me neglecting the content a bit, it's not always beneficial for me to write down everything I'm doing, but I try to squeeze in some time for blogs any time I can so you know what's going on kinda ;)

Read today's blog here:


Saturday, July 11, 2009

EG posts

Grubby vs TeD announcement:

Grubby vs TeD post-game:

Thanks to everyone for their support!


Friday, July 3, 2009

The Blog With No Name

Season 7 Regionals - 2nd place

Thanks to everyone who supported me for my Season 7 tournaments. This tournament is literally one of the most important tournaments of the year, if not the most important, well together with WCG anyway. I was crushed when I finished 5th last year although my (mental) shape was a lot better now than it was last year around. This year I wanted to do better no matter what.

Major thanks to my love for supporting me incredibly much, putting up with a 24/7-ing gamer and without whom I couldn't have done it =)

Thanks to everyone who practiced with me to prepare me for the tournament...

and big THANKS to all the people out there who supported me mentally and encouraged me! :D

GOMtv - through to semi finals against tough FoV

read the rest at