HoT in NGL tomorrow

Wow... I got so many pupils, hahaha :)
So what am I doing these days? Several things. It's slow times because there hasn't been a LAN tournament for a while, so I'm taking rest as well as trying to learn new strategies for upcoming LAN tournaments. I'm not satisfied with just one strategy so I'm storing up a lot of information in my head. I look at who I will be facing in ESWC Korea, and see if what I'm doing in practice right now is good enough or not.
The practice with mTw.Leon helped a lot because we played many different strategies. I'm also playing ladder to practice against surprises. Meanwhile, On-line leagues trundle onwards. I'm not really doing good in NGL so far with only a 4-2 score, and there's loads of difficult opponents left waiting. Taking it one at a time is always best though, and even 4-2 isn't too bad. My next opponent will be HoT, tomorrow at 6 PM. After that, in the same playday, it will be Sting.
Both are from Wicked, and our next WC3L war also happens to be against Wicked. That means my Orc, Elf and Human match-up has to be infallible!