Follow Grubby on his Pro-Gaming Adventures: In the Middle of the Shoot out at my Birth day party
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Sunday, May 17, 2009

In the Middle of the Shoot out at my Birth day party

We started the shoot-out now, and after discussing with everyone at the party we decided to do it the classical way; 2 pc's and a new challenger every map.

We carried down Cassandra's and my PC and stationed them on the living room table and we've got a default gear (for the people that didn't bring their own stuff - a few people did ;).

So far I've played 5 people, Zerter (NL), Kiezel (NL), morflinQue (DE), WDG.Kevin (NL), FunFunAll (DE). At the end I've gotta judge who performed the best ( or, if I lost, I guess there could be no doubt) and they'll walk away with the prizes. We've got 3 hardwares to give away, namely professional gaming mouse pads.

It's turning out to be really fun. I don't know everyone who turned up (although now of course I do), but such an interesting assortment of people showed up. We've got a father of 2 girls, people from East and West of Germany, and the coolest Dutch people that exist.

IkBenCool is playing on the guitar now (which a German brought) and I'm about to play my 6th opponent now - Mista_Masta. There's about 20 people signed up for the tournament so I won't be done any time soon yet =D but it's really fun.

Greets and more later,

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